These wedding venues - Racecourse Wedding
Venues, Equestrian Wedding Venues, Barn Wedding Venues &
Vineyard Wedding Venues - are sought after by adventurous couples
who love the outdoors. A far cry from those engaged couples choosing
conventional city weddings.
People actually ‘fall in love with horses’, bewitched by these
fascinating creatures.
The thrill of riding these powerful animals is mighty.
To gallop on a beach is awesome, totally thrilling, getting the
adrenaline flowing.
To race must be awesome, to race over the National Hunt racing,
commonly known as jumps racing, must be terrifying but yet very
Getting married is also very exciting so it is not surprising that
Horse & Equestrian lovers wish to be married in venues that
matched their own exciting circumstances & love of the horse.
Racecourse provide this heady thrill combining the Thrill of the
Turf & their Thrill of their Wedding to come. Note that the
Newbury Racecourse offer something really special, you might say a
Right Royal Treat, the Royal Box. One could dine out for many a year
on that one!
Tethering the horses & moving on the Barns. These historic
buildings go back centuries to time when farmers had to pay tithes.
These took the form of one tenth of farm produce to support the
Church & clergy. Barns were the 14th century equivalent of
modern day skyscrapers.
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